.i'm having such bad days lately.maybe it's not seen at school but often times i'm just bursting it out here at my blog.just like my previous blog.i've been talking about my best friend.we've been like encountering lotsofproblems lately as if we're in a boy and girl relationship.ghadd!hate it so much.we've been like arguing most of times.it's either i miss interpret him or probably like vice-versa.i don't want to disturb my baby bes anymore since he's hpee with his girl friend right now.which made me feel a little relieved since i know how much he loves her and at least now there are less worries so i don't want to be his worries this time.i know i really love my bhezt.though there are years and times when we don't communicate or less communication happens but as long as i know i have a best friend like him i'm really grateful.i feel like i have my big brother.who worries.cares.and loves me more than any of my friends does.i really really treasure him so much and i always does.but lately.it seems that we're having many gloomy days.i don't talk to him right now at least i'll try to find myself first.and try to live like he doesn't exist but the thing is.can i really overcome this?can i really live like he doesn't belong here in the world?i wish i could.but sometimes i think i can't.that's my weakness.haii.i miss my bhezt.
.konnichiwa.minna.arigatou ne for viewing my blog.remember to add me up.and.leave ur commentsas well.ja ne.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
.why do i have to choose?
.how many best friends do u have?i just hate the fact why do we have to state how many they are.do we really have to choose between our best friends?does the word "best friend" only means u only have 1 best friend?i really didn't get the point.grr.damn it.u might be wondering why this thing just pops here.i have my bhezt.we've been best friends for 4yrs now.imagine.how long that 4yrs is?and then.i also have my baby bes.we've been like best friend for 3yrs now.isn't also long?then for some jealousy my bhezt just then asked me to like choose between them.though, he doesn't said that to me directly but that's the thought of it.so i just don't appreaciate it since he knows that i'm not good at decision making.my bhezt and baby bes are gud friend.they belong to one group so they bond a lot.then he will ask me to choose.damn.what' wrong with him?but i really appreciate my baby bes since he told me that it's okay for him to give up our 3yrs of being best friends just to let my friendship with my bhezt to stay longer and he also said that nothing will change.it doesn't matter whether we called bes or not.it's about how much we trust.love.and care each other.isn't touching?hai.i know.this is like comparing them.but i can't helped it.it's just mean.
Friday, June 27, 2008
.happiest day for 3rd yr.
.today is the last day of our unit teast which made me really hpee.at least all the days of those review stuffs are done.though i really didn't review.hahaha.since we are half day to day.magdaLene people decided to have some malLing stuffs which will be the celebration of partoza's birthday.i really enjoi celebrating her birthday a lot.the very 1st thing we did this morning is to sing a very happy birthday song to her and there are lots of picture takings too instead of studying.haha.that's what i badly miss at bL. magdaLene.we ate at shakey's.since we are 10 people so we expected to have a big bill.haha.and we really do ate a lot.no doubt abt it.haha.after than we watched "get smart".it's really a very funny movie.so love it so much.action comedy type.and since we are very plenty.i really enjoy it since we're together all the way.hehe.and so we decided to go to pixie after the movie.some rode the fun mouse but as for us, we just played basketball.haha.as usual.that's our favorite game.and there are lots of picture takings too.hehe.and finally.we decided to have the actual picture taking at the studio.which really made me laugh since there are lots of side comments which is kinda common to them.hehe.we also went to xsite.haha.i finally saw a very kawaii guy.he's wearing a pink polo yet he does have earrings.but that's fine with me.haha.he really is very handsome.my my.he really completes my day.haha.den some of us left.like thet.te jo.wild boyz[as they call themselves].marco.laine.and sel.so again.it's the 4 of us again who were left.we played basketball again.kinda a contest and for those who will get the lowest score will be punished.haha.we also bough a tee for jervs since he's asking for sum advice about clothing[feeling fashion experts.haha.] and we bought drinks at tokyo tokyo.it's like around 6:15pm when we decided to leave and go home.that's the new record this year.the latest ever.haha.my feet aches.but i really enjoyed it.wat a fulfilLing and exciting day.hpee bdhei partotz.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
.best friend?
.this thing just bothers me quiet a lot lately.i have thsi best friend.he'so nice and has been my best friend for almost 4 yrs now.we've been to lots of arguements and misundestandings a lot.but this yr.it just happened that we're classmates.after 4yrs, we're now together again in one classroom.which kinda makes me feel awkward.i know it's my fault of not talking to him or approaching him.but looks like we're both pre-occupied inside the room.and we doesn't look like best friends after all.the only thing you can see us is like a president and treasurer talking.grr.i just hate that thing.he doesn't even text me.and this thing even made me annoys.he texted like a friend of mine.and he will just text me about projects or assignments.or anything bout school.grrr.i really.really hate it.i don't wanna give up or friendship.maybe my baby bes is right.only time can tell.
Friday, June 20, 2008
.home sick.
.it's been like 2weeks since our class starts.but still.i'm not used at being part of st.nicholas.i'm badLy home sick.i miss magdaLene.all their kLandian and stuffs.though i can say that nicholas is a very happy class coz everyone loves to laugh.and so far.the bond between one another is starting which is good since sooner or later.we will be as one.but the thing is.sometimes.it's kinda our of place.the noise isn't should be there.and the major thing is.being the president.damn!everytime i remember that i'm the president of the class.i just badly feel bad.duh?it's really a big responsibility.u have to do this and that.and if u're class is noisy.u will be the one who will be scolded first.the teachers will always ask the president.damn!i hate the president thing.i just wanted to be like the others.who does what they wanted to.go out like nobody cares.wanna be like.what i am when i'm still in magdalene.without any pressure from the adviser and classmates.haii.i really have to spill it out here.i just wanna clarify.i don't hate nicholas.it's just that.i haven't move on yet.and i feel like.i'm still dreaming.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
.after weeks.finalLy.the day has finalLy arrived.i'M now wearing bRaces.both the uppEr and loweR one.so which means.it badLy aches.daMn hate it!this is just my 2nd day.and i realLy can stilL feeL the paiN.it just made me feeL bad more.siNce i haven't sLept welL last night due to this braces which badLy aches last night.i wouLd like to take it off for the mean time just for me to get some sLeep but i can't.then.next week.my doctor wilL add rings.whatever.one thing's for sure.it wilL just further give me such pain that i don't want to encounter.welL.that's what you calL sarcrifice.i hope this will onLy be for two weeks.coz it realLy aches a lot.and i can't eat any solids.i realLy envy to those people at home whom eat what they want.huhuhu.that's alL for now.
Friday, June 13, 2008
.first week as 3rd yr hs.
.this week is our first week being third yr students.i'm quite excited being with my new section since i still have maggie.jervz.seL.cess.zing.drehya.and.dous.people who are really close to me since they are my classmate before.and i also have some of my close friends from before.so they are not new to me.hehe.but.i didn't expect that during our 2nd day we will be having tons of homeworks.duh?it's really hard having those homeworks.particularly our homework at geometry.grrr.so hate it.it's really long.and there are really lots of assignments for the other subjects as well.so it just made me feel very mad.and pressured as well.and for next week.there will be lots of quizzes and reportings.and that's what i badly hate.reportings already?isn't a bit early?grrr.why?why?first week is really bad.i hate the homeworks.quizzes.and even recitation.so mean.that's all i can say as of now.hehe.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
.first day bLues.
.today is the 1st day of class.and i'm really excited abt it.but i slept at around 1am already.so when i woke up at 5am.i was really sleepy.i don't even remember that today's the 1st day of cLass.hehe.my service fetch us early.earlier than expected.so i was still pretty shocked about it.hehe.as i arrived at school.i've seen jill together with ivy.well.we're waiting for partotz and jervin to arrived.and on my way to our room.i've seen jhude.the most loveliest brother of ysabel.he's really kwaii.but he's heavy.hehe.so when we went upstairs i've seen some familiar faces.well.some come back students.hehe.and so we enter our room and i've seen my new adviser.which is mR.ferDinand romEro.my gosh.this is the 1st time that he will be my teacher.and i've heard some not good news about him.and as he listed down our schedule and so is the teachers.i've found out that,mS.divine is our teacher.well.as i've said before.i don't want her to be my teacher.i just don't feel her.hehe.and so is to my previous teacher in the 1st yr.which is.well.better not to mention her name.hehe.i'm really glad that we have our shortened sched today.so we go home late.and i'm glad about it.i still miss bL.magdaLene.they are my famiLy at schooL.and mS.adviento is our dearest mother.i stilL miss their laugh and aLso alL their compLains.hehe.welL.tommorow's our 2nd day.gudLuck to alL of us.i just hope we wilL survive.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
.my girL mall tour.
.so today is my schedule for the panaromic xray.which obviously is being moved.instead of yesterday.it's been re-sched today.so when jervinita texted me and was like let's meet at sM munti.i was like "how?but i'lL try my best".and yes.luckily.i got the results earlier than expected.so i still happened to be at sM munti by 3pm.which is still a hour earlier since the mall tour will start by 4pm.and so i've seen jervinita there.well.he's slimmer than before.and much taller.kinda envy of his height since i feel like i'm not getting taller anymore.huhu.but anyways.the cast was like 30minutes late that the expected time.and there are badly lots of people.the cast happen to be at the cinema so we waited downstairs but that's not too easy since there are this huge crowd shouting and pushing one another.but i'm really glad i've seen enchong.as in enchong dee.i really do love him so much.since those "alL about ur love" days.and he's such a very handsome.talented.and.smart man.my gosh.so so so handsome.hehe.like what i've said there are lots of people so the pictures i had captured isn't in it's best quality.but at least i've tried my best to capture some.
.kim with vj laiLa.
.my gosh.kim with enchong.he's really handsome.
.secretary of juLian[shila].and sis of toni.[christine] [don't know their real names]
.this time with vj laila and jeffrey.

.gerald.sori if blurred.
.so overall i really enjoyed it a lot.finally.by just seeing enchong.it just really made my day so special.haix.wanna see him again.

.gerald.sori if blurred.
.so overall i really enjoyed it a lot.finally.by just seeing enchong.it just really made my day so special.haix.wanna see him again.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
.i have my new sec.what's yours?
.today.they already released the sections which i didn't expect since i thought it will be tomorrow.so thanks to thea that i've known my sec.my new section is st.nicholas.so what's yours?maggie is there.which i'm really glad about.at least.there is someone i'm close with.den aziza is there.and so is to cess.jervz.and aldous.i'm really glad that there are lot's of magdalenes there.since i badly miss them.but partotz.jill.shila.marco and sam isn't there.which made me a little disappointed.but at least.shila's room is near us and so is to partotz.i still don't know what jill's section is.so i'm still curious about it.but otherwise.aina.jam.and hiro.is also at nicholas.so i know many of them.but i still hope that there will be some adjustments about this.but i'm really glad that i'm not part of the star section.thank God!
Friday, June 6, 2008
.braces or not?
.i know.class will finally resumes.it's like 3days to go.and i'm really excited to see my buddies yet i'm kinda lazy about waking up so early.still enjoying waking up late.hehehe.but.there's really something that bothers me a lot.and this is where it all started.yesterday.we went to see our dentist.and when she checked my teeth.she told me that i need to have braces.in which i was really shocked.i mean.it's like.braces?why?i'm kinda afraid of it because i will be like forbidden for either a week or two to eat any solids.all liquids?can't live with it.huhuhu.and she asked me to have the panaromic x-ray.to check my whole teeth.since she can't barely see the others on the back portion.but my schedule for that will be tomorrow.i still can't believe that i will be having braces.my.my.i wonder why.well.that's pretty new.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
.why are gays all around?
.omg.just wondering why gays are all around.i mean.i do love them.they're really kind and they always made me laugh.hehehe.but just wondering why they really are everywhere.i've seen lot's of them at mcDo near makati med.and omg.i've seen this gay.he really looks like a basketball player at 1st look.but he really has his kikay kits.and he's applying powder and lip gloss.and together with her fellowship.they're totally are really great.hehehe.and again.upon entering makati med.i've seen lot's of them again.wearing really short shorts.my gosh.they're really have the confidence.and when searching some items needed for school.they are also around at national and power books.my gosh.can't believe it.they're fellowship is getting bigger and bigger.hehehe.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
.boredom at makati.
.so.today as we had planned.we went to makati.but this day is badly different.this isn't like the previous ones wherein i enjoy being at makati to shop.well.me and my mom went there.first we went to makati med because she will see her ob-gyne to discuss abt some results abt her test.my gosh.her doctor is badly late.she arrived around 11am.and my mom is still 8th in the line.grr.such boredom really strikes.luckily is have my phone.so i just listen to plenty of songs.either japanese or english or mandarin.many languages.but so love them.after that we went to her appointment to her dentist.well.this also means one thing.i will be waiting for her until she finish.and their session last for 3hours.so i'm really hungry since i just ate hamburger w/fries.so the only thing i've did is just listen to music again and read some magazines.finally.after all her appointments.some kinda exciting thing happened.we went to glorietta and bought some stuffs.in which i enjoi since i'm badly bored.around 6pm we went home.and on the way home.i saw chris' billboard.he replaced atkins as the model of handford.he's so handsome.hehe.
Monday, June 2, 2008
.remaininf vacation days.
.we only have a week to go before class resumes.and i'm so sick thinking about it.i just can't imagine waking up again at around 5am in the morning.spending my whole day at school.sometimes the subject is boring and u tend to sleep though it's really hard for u.going back at home late in the afternoon.doing those assignments.my gosh.enough of this.i'm really enjoying my vacation.i so love going to different malls and buying many stuffs that sometimes i need.but most of the times.i don't.hehe.but there's one thing i still wanna do this vacation.and that is to have swimming.i just happen to swim for around 6times this vacation.but for the previous one i spent for like 10 and above.so i badly miss it.well.gonna spend my day tomorrow at makati.still going to shop.and visit the dentist.
.mah world.,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
.my feet aches.
.so today is sunday.and as expected.we always went to the mall after the mass.but.we decided to have the mass at the mall.since it's really hot.so at least there.it's kinda cool.after the mass.we were supposed to developed our pictures from our trip in japan.but the sad thing is.they already don't have the matte type of paper.which we like.so.we decided not to developed them.hehe.den.we ate at shakey's.i badly miss eating pizza a lot.that's why i'm so thankful we will eat pizza once again.i'm just grateful about it.hehe.den i also bought my memory card for my phone.and so is to memory card reader.and.padlock for my locker.i badly feel now that class is coming soon.after that.we shop some things my younger sister needs.and my mom bought some things for our home.some paintings and stuffs.i wonder why she really bought those.hehe.i also happen to see ms.divine.my gosh.i really didn't expect to see her.and.i'm still praying.that she will be my teacher.*peace*and after that.we just went to the grocery to buy some meat.and some supplies at home.my gosh.my feet badly aches.well.it's like spending 8hours at the mall.walk.walk.walk.grr.but i still enjoy it.well.next stop.will be at makati.hehe.
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