.so today.is the day when we will now know the new american idol.and after 19weeks.they have come to the end.i'm so expecting david archuleta to be the newest american idol.but sad to say.he isn't bcoz' david cook wins the night.i kinda sad about it.maybe because i expected to much.but after all.i've realized that david cook also deserves the spot.coz he really sangs well.and.he also put his very best to win the competition.though david archuleta didn't win.but for me.he's still the winner.he's still young and he can still do many things for himself and for others as well.and for sure.he will still shine and be more famous even though he weren't able to get the crown.

.david archuleta is still my american idol.and he will always be.it's still a long way.and this is still the start of his career.way to go david archuleta.ganbarre!

.david archuleta is still my american idol.and he will always be.it's still a long way.and this is still the start of his career.way to go david archuleta.ganbarre!
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